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Sunday, June 1, 2014


DESCRIPTION: An annual event showcasing the elite of the horticultural world. Landscape garden designers compete for the highest accolade in their trade - a gold at Chelsea.  This years Best in Show award in the main show garden category goes to Luciano Giubbilei and his design for Laurent Perrier. 

PART ONE: The Telegraph Garden by designers Tommaso del Buono and Paul GazerwitzThis sublime show garden is one of my favourite from this years show. 

INSPIRATION: a contemporary take on the classical Renaissance gardens of Italy and the villa gardens of the northern Italian lakes 

KEY ELEMENTS: Green, clipped formal hedging and topiary, clean sharp lines of hard landscaping, a central panel of pristine lawn, rooftop trained canopy of lime trees Tilia x europaea Pallida, soft drifts of naturalistic planting, domes of clipped box and Osmanthus x burkwoodii, polished marble, limestone and brass, pure white iconic mid century wirework garden chairs 

Above image: detail of gold medal winning Telegraph garden by Tommaso del Buono and Paul Gazerwitz | photographer Martin Pope for The Daily Telegraph
Above image: gold medal winning Telegraph garden by Tommaso del Buono and Paul Gazerwitz | photographer Martin Pope for The Daily Telegraph
Above image: by The Frustrated Gardenercontemporary iconic mid century white wirework "Diamond" garden chairs designed by Harry Bertoia and Eero Saarinen in the Fifties, and supplied by Knoll still available today | exquisite noce travertine wall and floating bench with band of gleaming brass
Above images: 1.photographer Martin Pope for The Daily Telegraph 2.Euphorbia characias subsp wulfenii photography by Crocus 3.Buxus sempervirens (boxwood)photography by Crocus  4.noce travertine 5.Veronica 'Shirley Blue'photography by Crocus 
Above image: by The Frustrated Gardener | an immaculate lawn border by deep edging bands of pale limestone travertine | gold medal winning Telegraph garden by Tommaso del Buono and Paul Gazerwitz 
Above image: a detail from the photograph by The Frustrated Gardener | the gravel seating area with marble and travertine water wall || gold medal winning Telegraph garden by Tommaso del Buono and Paul Gazerwitz 
Above image: gold medal winning Telegraph garden by Tommaso del Buono and Paul Gazerwitz |photographer Martin Pope for The Daily Telegraph
Above images: 1. Royal Horticultural Society "Diamond" garden chairs designed by Harry Bertoia and Eero Saarinen in the Fifties, and supplied by Knoll 2.Iris 'Jane Phillips' Crocus 3.noce travertine 4.photographer Martin Pope for The Daily Telegraph | design elements from the sublime garden by Tommaso del Buono and Paul Gazerwitz
Above image: gold medal winning Telegraph garden by Tommaso del Buono and Paul Gazerwitz | image capture from the BBC inplayer featuring presenter Monty Don with Sue Biggs RHS Director General
Above image: gold medal winning Telegraph garden by Tommaso del Buono and Paul Gazerwitz | landscaping and photography by Crocus

RHS Chelsea Flower Show · 2014
The Telegraph Garden- Plant List
Tilia x europaea 'Pallida'
Laurus nobilis
Buxus sempervirens
Osmanthus x burkwoodii
Phillyrea angustifolia
(Final choice dependent on availability)
Herbaceous plants (Indicative only)
Anchusa azurea 'Loddon Royalist'
Borago officinalis
Camassia quamash
Campanula persicifolia
Cenolophium denudatum
Dianthus carthusianorum
Euphorbia spp.
Geranium spp.
Gladiolus italicus or byzantinus
Hyssopus officinalis
Iris germanica varieties, bright blue
Larkspur consolida 'Dark Blue'
Lithodora diffusa 'Heavenly Blue'
Nepeta spp.
Nigella damascena 'Miss Jekyll'
Sesleria nitida
Silene dioica
Veronica spp
Viola cornuta 'Belmont Blue'

Plant species may change during the lead up to the show

For more information on anything shown in the above images please click on the names under each photograph to go through to their web sites. I create my mood boards/colour palettes with a computer programme called Photoshop by Adobe which is available for both Apple Mac and PC computers.

As always, if I have featured your photograph and you would rather I didn't, please do not hesitate to contact me and I will remove it with my sincerest apologies. 

With warmest wishes
Other posts you may find of interest:

Further research and inspiration for your garden (please click below to go through to my pinboards on Pinterest):

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